Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 2 Arms as BIG as a HOUSE

So last week I said that the next post would include actual lifts, sets and reps for Arms as BIG as a HOUSE. Here you have it:
Super Set 1: 3 sets x 45 second rest in  between supersets
Single Arm Cable Curl x 15 (we did 10 lbs)

Rope Push Down x 14 (17lbs)

Set 2: Close Grip Bench 1 minute rest between sets
1 x 12 (50-65 lbs)
1 x 10
1 x 8


Super Set 3: 4 sets x 1 minute rest between supersets
Bar Curl x 12 (30 lbs)
Lying Tricep Extension x 10

Super Set 4: 3 sets x 45 seconds rest between superset
Stone Curl x 12 (25 lbs)
Stone French Press x 15 (25 lbs)

Super Set 5: 2 sets x 45 seconds rest between superset
Dumbell Incline Curl x 12 (10-12 lbs each arm)
Dumbell Tricep Kickbacks (8-10 lbs)

After week two we are feeling pretty good! We will see how they feel tomorrow. Finishing the work out my biceps feel like they are going to rip through my skin they are so pumped! So far I am loving it! Can't wait for next weeks workout!! 

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