Sunday, March 24, 2013

Face card workout

So this is a few days late but I put this workout together in honor of The Biggest Loser finale. I saw Bob do a version if this workout. I am a huge fan and so excited that Dani won this year! So my boot campers got to celebrate!

Warm-up: 400 meter run, dynamic stretching, high knees and butt kickers

Workout: I took a regular deck of face cards. I assigned each suit a different exercise. The number dictates how many of the exercise you do. We just flipped through all the cards.
-spades: 180 rotation squats
-clubs: abdominal pikes
-diamonds: triceps push-ups
-hearts: jump rope (this one we multiplied the number by ten ex: 2 of hearts = 20 single jump ropes)
-aces: one minute rest
-joker: 10 burpees

It took about 35-40 minutes and gave us just enough time to cool down and stretch! It is a great workout for when you are stuck inside and don't have any real equipment. Enjoy!

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