Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birth Story: August 11, 2014

This is one glimpse of my life I do not want to forget either. I had decided that I was going to do the whole natural birth thing. I didn't think it would be a spiritual experience, or take any classes. My husband and I just decided I was hard core enough that I could do it. It was totally a pride issue thing for me, I will admit it.

I was a week and a day over due. I was so over being pregnant. My last appointment I almost cried when he told me I had to wait until Sunday August 10th (it was Wednesday). That Sunday we woke up, and were just hanging out. They told me it would be around 7 o'clock. We were planning on going to my aunt's house for my cousin's birthday dinner, and to pass the time. I was actually really nervous but calm. We were just chillin' and around 4:00 p.m. the hospital called me and said that I could come whenever. And we were all packed and ready, hopped in the car and were there in within twenty minutes. The car ride there was so crazy! I couldn't stop smiling, but was trembling inside at the same time. I had no idea what to expect.

We rode the elevator upstairs with our bags in tow. Registered and got our bracelets. They took me back to the room. It was actually a huge room with comfy couches, a stability ball, squat bar, and the regular hospital room stuff. The nurse struggled to get an IV in place... It took about 5 stabs and 2 nurses to get us there. It was about 5 o'clock and the nurses changed. I loved our delivery nurse. She was so sweet and helpful.

They gave me a dose of Sydatec to start me. They had to wait 3 hours before they would check me again. Bryce went and got dinner, we watched The Croods, and relaxed. I was having some contractions but nothing too bad. The nurse came in about 9:00 pm and checked up on how we were doing. I was effaced enough that the decided to give the doc a call. He came about 10:00 and broke my water. That was the most disgusting feeling ever... EVER. Haha, I felt really bad for everyone who had to clean up after me. Because I was contracting well enough they decided to not give me Pitocin unless I needed it. Which I am so grateful!

The contractions started coming on strong. We walked the hall once, tried to sit on the stability ball. I have never hated a stability ball so much. That is saying a lot because I have done a ton of stability ball workouts. I started getting the labor shakes bad and had to stay sitting down. I kept contemplating how I would love to have an epidural. At one point I told Bryce I couldn't keep going and to call the nurse. I was thinking about getting an epidural. He told me that I had to make the call myself. As I stared at the call button I talked myself out of it. I was hard core and I could do it.

The nurse came in to check on me. I had dilated from a 5-7 in 30 minutes. I was chugging right along. Bryce was so helpful, and encouraging as I was "gruting/screaming" through the contractions.. He held my hand the whole way and kept my spirits up. After another half an hour the nurse came again and I had only dilated to and 8. She was worried that I was going to plateau, she laid me on my side with my right leg bent over my left. I clung to the side of the bed and screamed. It was the most painful thing I have ever experience. That contraction was the most painful experience of my life. I rolled back on my back, where the nurse check me again. 10. I had dilated from an 8 to a 10 in one contraction. No wonder I wanted to die. I was surprised that I wasn't swearing or mean. Instead I was very apologetic. I felt bad for what everyone else had to do for me. And the messes they had to clean up. lol

She called the doctor to tell him I was going to be ready soon. Everyone was surprised at how fast I was moving along. They originally told me that he would be born sometime Monday evening. It was barely Monday morning 1:30 am. She hurried and prepped the room, called all the important people and my world was spinning. I pushed through one contraction and the doctor showed up. The baby's heart rate dropped and they put me on oxygen and made me wait to push. The doctor was still getting dressed as I was ready to push again. He finally was ready and I was ready to push.

I pushed through another 2 contractions and he was out. 2:18 am, four hours of labor. Not to shabby ehhh? It was amazing how your body does what is supposed to do. The doctor pulled him out and he stretched out. Dr. Fowers couldn't believe how big he was. Everyone had be nervous that he was going to be small, but then he stretched out... that little guy had a wingspan! Bryce's first words were, "He's going to be a discus thrower!" As I held him for the first time the first thing I told him was that I was sorry but he was going to be an only child. Haha

The took him and cleaned him off. Bryce was snapping pictures. He weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz, measured 21 inches long (2 days later... he was 21.8 inches, I don't think he grew that much in 2 days...). He was perfect. He cried for a few minutes and then calmed down. I never felt so relieved and happy holding a baby.

We decided to name him Brooks Wayne Hall. Holly (my youngest sister) found the name online. And we loved it! Bryce was sold when we googled the name and most of the famous people were NHL and MLB players. He I think he wants a buddy to watch and play sports with him. :) We decided on Wayne, because that is my dad's middle name. My dad has been the greatest dad, and he never had a son. He is a great example for Bryce and I. My dad is going to be the best grandpa and an awesome example for Brooks. 
The next 2 days were a blur at the hosptial. People in and out bringing gifts (the bike was the best! haha), hospital food, nursing, sleeping when we could, trying to figure out the whole postpartum thing. Bryce changed his diaper, I knew he was going to be the most perfect dad. He got peed on once or twice. But it was great! We loaded him up Tuesday (after being taught how to use the car seat) and drove home! It was the best/hardest few days of my life. I do not ever want to forget them.

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