Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween, wedding showers, and regular life.

Well having a 12 week old makes for a pretty uneventful Halloween. But it was so much fun to just spend time with family and see some old friends. We dressed him up as a a little Jazz player! So cute. Bryce and I matched but he was the cutest! :)

Saturday I started out the day with a quick three mile run (in 25 ish minutes) and abs. We went up to Logan for a wedding shower for Natalie. This one was hosted by my aunt! It was super fun to visit with some family and eating nice warm soup. :) I have an obsession lately. After the shower we had to go to a taste testing at Kneaders.

Holly and I are doing "No Sugar November" were we avoid any foods that have more than 8 grams of added sugar per serving. So we got to give our input without trying anything. The have decided on having cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. I think I am going to keep the "No Sugar" until their wedding. I need to look rockin' for their wedding pictures, and my 2nd anniversary. :) 

To finish of Saturday, we compromised. I did not want to eat out. Bryce did. I knew if I ate out with him he would make a healthier choice. Lately I have been obsessed with Rumbi. I branched out and got a different salad than usual South Seas Chicken Salad. Bryce got a rice bowl. It is a much better choice than Five Guys. Then we got together with some of Bryce's old friends. Needless to say by the end of the night we were pretty exhausted. It was a long day. 

Sunday at church Bryce got assigned a pretty big job. It is going to teach me patience and how to share. It was first day I was not very happy that he had to spend time working on stuff with them and not with his family. I have issues. Bryce for dinner made this recipe. This is our third time making this Cheesy Quiona and Broccoli and we both love it. The recipe doesn't have any meat (though it does contain chicken broth) but that is a big step for Bryce. I have been learning in my advanced nutrition the importance of plant based proteins and how consuming large amounts of animal protein can increase risks for cardiovascular disease. I am trying to implement more vegetarian dinners into our diet. :)

On that note Monday we did not go vegetarian. I made these delicious tacos but I subbed out the fish for chicken because the fish we had in our freezer was not looking to fresh. After we ran to the store and I successfully made these cake mix pumpkin cookies without eating any of them (I do not consider this baking though. Anything out of a box does not count). Bryce then took them out to some people from our church (he likes to be a nice person or something). I stayed home with Brooks and did some online shopping. haha I LOVE TARGET.... and I am really starting to love carter's online too. I wish I could shop for myself online. It would be so much easier. Oh well.

On Monday I got a mirror for Brooks. It has really helped with tummy time because he hates it. After doing a little research, I figured well why not give the mirror a shot. It has not solved our problem but he lasts a little bit longer.

Tuesday I went up to class and then went on an  hour-ish run with my running buddy. She kicked my butt. Eventually I am going to be able to keep up... but that was not yesterday. We ran a much faster pace than we have been running. I am not sure what our pace was because I have been avoiding my Garmin. We estimated about 8:30 miles for almost an hour is better than in the past. But starting next week I am going to use it. Ha we will probably have to not talk as much in the future. We wear our selves out just talking the whole time, it is the best therapy though.

On my way home I heard some really sad news. It made me appreciate my little boy and that he made it here safe without any complications. We snuggled all night long. The best way to end my night. He was so tired before we gave him a bath. We had to record it.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Jazz game and other stuff!

So since my last post I have done a few workouts! I feel like every week I get a tad bit more dedicated, and I think running is getting easier.

So Wednesday I lifted and did abs. Holy cow I am not in shape for that though.... How I was sore until Saturday. My new goal is to try and lift twice a week. Got to get these scrawny muscles toned again. 

Thursday I went on a nice 4ish mile run with Max. Also that day I did 1000 reps of abs. And I decorated just a little bit for Halloween! I am not a decorator but it is fun to be festive! Haha yup I need a life. 

Friday I just went on a really long walk with the boys and talked to Natalie on the phone forever! I am just so glad that all of her wedding and school plans are working out! I just hope she doesn't become an obnoxious BYU fan. They bug me. After my walk I hurried home and cooked some dinner. I made the simplest dish, baked potatoes, sautéed zucchini, onions, peppers and mushrooms with some baked chicken breast. I hurried and ate, packed Bryce's dinner up and packed all the baby stuff! We took Brooks to his first Jazz game! Bryce ate in the car and we actually made it on time! 

We bought this sweat band to keep the ear plugs in his ears. But he seriously loved the game! The big jumbo tv and all the lights are a baby's favorite! Such a fun night with my family! 

Saturday was filled laundry, changing the oil in our car, Chinese food and a quick corn maze (without Brooks). But I have almost finished our Halloween costume! I cannot wait for Halloween. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

First Trail Run, BBQ chicken pizza, and Max.

Today I got together with one of my track friends between classes (I cannot wait until May 1st when I graduate) and went on a trail/road run. We started on campus, ran through the golf course (we were not sure if it was legal or not), and up to Bonneville Shore Trail. It was a ton of hills that my postpartum body was not ready for. I am hoping that by running with her (she is hecka fast and a babe) 2 times a week will really help me reach my 1/2 marathon goal in March. The leaves were beautiful, and by the end of our 40 minute adventure I was exhausted but still hungry for more. It may help if I would just shut up and run.. but I kept talking. :) P.S. the trees are beautiful right now.

Then I had left overs of this delicious pizza I made last night! Whole wheat crust, BBQ chicken pizza, topped with zucchini, mushrooms, peppers, and at the request of Bryce mushrooms. Also last night Max and I went on a 30 minute run... but I did not feel well. It was a rough one. I am so glad I felt better today and am ready to make some real progress.

Oh I forgot to just talk about how great my husband is. Last Friday on a whim he bought me this new running outfit. I LOVE IT. People always compliment my outfits and seriously I have not bought clothes for myself in forever. Bryce always goes and picks them out for me. He is great, and has great taste. Then I don't feel bad buying stuff either because it was his idea.

I am just waiting for 2 of my 3 boys to get home. Brooks got to spend the day with Grandpa and Grandma Haymore... but I am so so so ready to see him. But it gives me some quality time to spend with good ole Maximus, my black baby.

Speaking of which Max and Brooks get along so well! Max will just lay on the floor where ever Brooks is. We do not let him up on our furniture... but when I saw this I had to capture the moment before I kicked him off.

It has been an adjustment for Max having Brooks around. He was pretty spoiled before and at first got jealous. Max never would be aggressive just would mope around the house, or beg for
attention. He has mellowed out a ton though. I cannot wait for them to be best of friends one day.

Monday, October 20, 2014

10 Weeks, baby blessing, and first 6+ run

I can't believe baby Brooks is 10 weeks old! He is getting so so big! I cannot even believe it. Saturday was a busy busy day. Bryce had to work until about 2:30, so my sister picked me up and I hung out at my dad's house. Natalie and I went on my first 6+ mile run! I haven't been wearing my Garmin lately. I am just trying to get back in the groove of things. We ran along the canal. It was so nice to have someone to run with. We just had a little much needed therapy session. We finished the run in 58 minutes, I am just so happy to be running faster than 10 minute miles. Pretty pathetic, but I gotta start somewhere eh?

My dad and his wife are remodeling their house... haha it is crazy. So Holly and I bounced to go get all of the ingredients for Brooks' baby blessing food. We also had to buy new brakes for our car. Sending two girls who don't know a thing about cars... luckily the guys was super duper nice. I stood there and he got everything I need. And it was all right. Gotta love Auto Zone. I ended up making these cookies for the blessing, because I knew I wouldn't have time Sunday morning. They were a hit.

I decided because it was fall to have soup. Both of Brooks' grandmas brought a soup (well grandma Lesa brought two), and I brought one. We had a clam chowder, cream of potato, taco soup and I made a chicken and rice soup found here. My sister Nat, is the best to have around. She made Brooks' outfit. Everyone thought I bought it somewhere. Nope. She made it. And she also brought rolls. Alex is a lucky man. That is for dang sure. We had awesome salads and desserts. It was great. It was so fun to see everyone and Bryce gave an awesome blessing. :) I am so in love with my family. We didn't take very many pictures... I need to get better at that.
Bad picture... but whateves...

Look at those cute buttons

I love the bow tie. Nat is so talented. 
So update on Brooks. He is 10 weeks old. He loves to stand (with loads of assistance, and lots of wiggling and wobbling). He is starting to get more vocal every day. He loves to tell stories, and to have all the attention on him. He is sleeping really well. He will fall asleep around 8:00, wake up between 12-3 for a midnight snack. Then go right back down until 5-7 o'clock. He takes great naps and has massive blow outs. He is still living up to his angel baby name. I couldn't be more lucky. He has the greatest temperament. It is just harder to get things done because I just wanna hang out with this cute guy all day.

He is getting so big! 
I am headed on a easy run tonight... I am hitting the trails tomorrow with a friend. She's gonna kick my butt! :)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Birth to now.

My last post was Brooks' birth story, he is now almost 10 weeks old and I need to capture the last 10 weeks. We brought him home to lots and lots of love. My  two sisters and my dad's wife stayed with us for a week to help us adjust. It was a lot of people in our tiny apartment, but so much fun! Our family and friends were so supportive. We had more food and love than I could ever have imagined. He was so awesome from the beginning. We had to wake him up at night to feed him, he would just wiggle and look around. He hated to be wrapped up in a blanket, he had had enough time cooped up and was ready to stretch out.

At his two day appointment he measured 21.8 inches long (98%), 8 lbs 5 oz (75%), and his head was 14 inches (25-50%) and the doctor said he was pretty much perfect.

Oh how I hated that umbilicus cord. His dried with a sharp edge and it would catch on everything. I am so glad that is over. I am pretty sure that it came off early and it bled a lot.

 It took him awhile to adjust to the whole bath time thing. Most people say their babies love bath time...not Brooks. He is still a little wary of it.

His two week appointment was also just great. He was just growing perfectly. He measured 22.6 inches long (98%), 9 lbs 3 oz (75%), and 14.5 inches for his head circumference (80%). Tall and skinny just like his mom! :)

I started school when he was 3 weeks old. It was super duper hard to leave him but luckily his grandma is the bomb and comes up and hangs out with him 2 times a week.

At about 4 weeks he started smiling... but I don't think that he really knew what he was doing. He loved to stand up and look around. He is totally a wiggle worm and loves to move.

At 6 weeks we started having him sleep in his crib.. well kind of.. it takes sometime. Things are looking up. He really started smiling and cooing. It has been so fun. Now I really don't ever get anything done! haha

We are now at 9 weeks. This past week he had his 2 month check up. I can't believe how big he is getting. It is absolutely craziness. We weighs 12 lbs 5 oz, is almost 25 inches long. He is and has always measured in the 98% for height, and 50% for weight. He is such a stud. He has the biggest feet. Right now he is wearing literally 12-24 month socks. no joke. Everything else is too small. He is gonna be a baller. :) He also got his shots. It was the saddest thing ever. But so funny at the same time. He never cries very loud but man when he gets those shots his face turned instantly bright red and he screamed. His face looks like an old man and I can't help but laugh. I am an evil mom. :)

My recovery has been really great. I have been able to run for about a month. :) I am thinking next week I am going to start this training program and start running more seriously. I also have been doing power yoga for abs. It has been kicking my butt. But it is so great. Brooks just stares at me like I am crazy while I do it. But whateves... :) I am hoping to get back in shape and look like a babe by my sisters wedding! I cannot wait for it! December 20th 2014 is going to be a great day! :)

Sunday we are blessing Brooks! I cannot wait to write the post after that one! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Birth Story: August 11, 2014

This is one glimpse of my life I do not want to forget either. I had decided that I was going to do the whole natural birth thing. I didn't think it would be a spiritual experience, or take any classes. My husband and I just decided I was hard core enough that I could do it. It was totally a pride issue thing for me, I will admit it.

I was a week and a day over due. I was so over being pregnant. My last appointment I almost cried when he told me I had to wait until Sunday August 10th (it was Wednesday). That Sunday we woke up, and were just hanging out. They told me it would be around 7 o'clock. We were planning on going to my aunt's house for my cousin's birthday dinner, and to pass the time. I was actually really nervous but calm. We were just chillin' and around 4:00 p.m. the hospital called me and said that I could come whenever. And we were all packed and ready, hopped in the car and were there in within twenty minutes. The car ride there was so crazy! I couldn't stop smiling, but was trembling inside at the same time. I had no idea what to expect.

We rode the elevator upstairs with our bags in tow. Registered and got our bracelets. They took me back to the room. It was actually a huge room with comfy couches, a stability ball, squat bar, and the regular hospital room stuff. The nurse struggled to get an IV in place... It took about 5 stabs and 2 nurses to get us there. It was about 5 o'clock and the nurses changed. I loved our delivery nurse. She was so sweet and helpful.

They gave me a dose of Sydatec to start me. They had to wait 3 hours before they would check me again. Bryce went and got dinner, we watched The Croods, and relaxed. I was having some contractions but nothing too bad. The nurse came in about 9:00 pm and checked up on how we were doing. I was effaced enough that the decided to give the doc a call. He came about 10:00 and broke my water. That was the most disgusting feeling ever... EVER. Haha, I felt really bad for everyone who had to clean up after me. Because I was contracting well enough they decided to not give me Pitocin unless I needed it. Which I am so grateful!

The contractions started coming on strong. We walked the hall once, tried to sit on the stability ball. I have never hated a stability ball so much. That is saying a lot because I have done a ton of stability ball workouts. I started getting the labor shakes bad and had to stay sitting down. I kept contemplating how I would love to have an epidural. At one point I told Bryce I couldn't keep going and to call the nurse. I was thinking about getting an epidural. He told me that I had to make the call myself. As I stared at the call button I talked myself out of it. I was hard core and I could do it.

The nurse came in to check on me. I had dilated from a 5-7 in 30 minutes. I was chugging right along. Bryce was so helpful, and encouraging as I was "gruting/screaming" through the contractions.. He held my hand the whole way and kept my spirits up. After another half an hour the nurse came again and I had only dilated to and 8. She was worried that I was going to plateau, she laid me on my side with my right leg bent over my left. I clung to the side of the bed and screamed. It was the most painful thing I have ever experience. That contraction was the most painful experience of my life. I rolled back on my back, where the nurse check me again. 10. I had dilated from an 8 to a 10 in one contraction. No wonder I wanted to die. I was surprised that I wasn't swearing or mean. Instead I was very apologetic. I felt bad for what everyone else had to do for me. And the messes they had to clean up. lol

She called the doctor to tell him I was going to be ready soon. Everyone was surprised at how fast I was moving along. They originally told me that he would be born sometime Monday evening. It was barely Monday morning 1:30 am. She hurried and prepped the room, called all the important people and my world was spinning. I pushed through one contraction and the doctor showed up. The baby's heart rate dropped and they put me on oxygen and made me wait to push. The doctor was still getting dressed as I was ready to push again. He finally was ready and I was ready to push.

I pushed through another 2 contractions and he was out. 2:18 am, four hours of labor. Not to shabby ehhh? It was amazing how your body does what is supposed to do. The doctor pulled him out and he stretched out. Dr. Fowers couldn't believe how big he was. Everyone had be nervous that he was going to be small, but then he stretched out... that little guy had a wingspan! Bryce's first words were, "He's going to be a discus thrower!" As I held him for the first time the first thing I told him was that I was sorry but he was going to be an only child. Haha

The took him and cleaned him off. Bryce was snapping pictures. He weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz, measured 21 inches long (2 days later... he was 21.8 inches, I don't think he grew that much in 2 days...). He was perfect. He cried for a few minutes and then calmed down. I never felt so relieved and happy holding a baby.

We decided to name him Brooks Wayne Hall. Holly (my youngest sister) found the name online. And we loved it! Bryce was sold when we googled the name and most of the famous people were NHL and MLB players. He I think he wants a buddy to watch and play sports with him. :) We decided on Wayne, because that is my dad's middle name. My dad has been the greatest dad, and he never had a son. He is a great example for Bryce and I. My dad is going to be the best grandpa and an awesome example for Brooks. 
The next 2 days were a blur at the hosptial. People in and out bringing gifts (the bike was the best! haha), hospital food, nursing, sleeping when we could, trying to figure out the whole postpartum thing. Bryce changed his diaper, I knew he was going to be the most perfect dad. He got peed on once or twice. But it was great! We loaded him up Tuesday (after being taught how to use the car seat) and drove home! It was the best/hardest few days of my life. I do not ever want to forget them.

That time I was pregnant.

It has been a long time since I have posted. Life has been crazy crazy! I woke up this morning and thought to myself how grateful I am to be Brooks' mom. My sister is the best journaler (is that a word??) and I want to be able to look back at this time when Brooks is so small, so I am back blogging about our happy healthy life with a new addition.

To start out from the beginning, last November everything was seeming perfect. I was running well, school was great, I had the best jobs. All the sudden my body was feeling weird. I kept telling Bryce that something was off... finally after a couple weeks I decided to take a test... at work. Dumb idea. There I sat in the restroom of my work starting at that test. I called Bryce and told him. Of course his class was about to start (last class before finals week) so he said, "well my class is going to start, we will figure this out later." I was so overwhelmed! I left work and had to give a presentation for a class on multiple sclerosis, needless to say I was not completely focused during that presentation. Looking back now I probably did not handle that situation the best. Haha... I was so mad at Bryce, I didn't talk to him for 2ish weeks.

Christmas Eve was when we decided to tell our families. Before that point my sister knew, and Bryce's brother knew. In my family it is a Christmas Eve we all open pajamas. I made this little plaque for my dad and put in a little sleeper to announce to my dad, his then fiance, and my sister. This video is priceless.
January 3 was our 10 week ultrasound. We got to see the little guy! (after I got a full on exam with Bryce in the room, the best way to get you ready for pregnancy. You lose all your modesty). I didn't cry... I just stared at the monitor. It was finally real. The best was when the doctor looked around to see if there was twins. And luckily there was just one! That was a relief.

We asked our families to not tell anyone until we were in the second trimester. I did not want to be the lady who was pregnant for an eternity. I honestly I was embarrassed. My dad was so excited he asked that at his wedding (January 26th....I think) he could announce it.  Bryce was also very excited to start telling everyone. At the wedding Bryce blabbed to my cousin (who is a loud mouth hahaha) and he told his mom. My dad's sisters are very vocal and before I knew it. I was not sure I was ready for all the attention. My favorite is how everyone all the sudden "knew I was pregnant", or "I though you had gained weight" (btw don't ever say that to a pregnant woman). To add to it during the wedding lunch he announced it over lunch to everyone. Talk about everyone staring at you.

I stayed pretty active through my pregnancy, I ran the Moab 1/2 marathon with my sister, and cousin Ray-ray! I finished in 2.00:07. It was a bummer that for my first 1/2 to not come in under 2 hours. But considering the circumstances and it was my first ever half., I can't complain. That was a great weekend with friends and family. It was also the week before we found out the gender of our baby!

The ultrasound was so fun! I realized then that I really did love this little guy. And I was starting to get excited for our future family. When the ultrasound tech said he was a boy, Bryce exclaimed I knew it, and gave me a high five. He was already bashful during the ultrasound and was hiding his face from us!

May 3rd Bryce graduated from USU! I am still so proud! :) I didn't announce anywhere publicly that I was pregnant, and I didn't want any pictures.So I used his diploma to hide the baby bump. We started new adventures, I worked in Ogden at a Cardiac Rehab Center. It was an amazing experience and made time fly by that last trimester! We found a great schedule: wake up, go to work, come home, have a healthy dinner, and go to the gym. I ran up until 36 weeks, and then I walked on a super high incline. Hours and hours on that incline, luckily Gold's has a cardio room to watch movies while I walked.

In June, Bryce took my spot in Ragnar. That was his punishment for me being pregnant (I know realize that living with a pregnant lady would be enough of a punishment). He ran so well! Our van fell apart...It was very stressful to not be able to help and run. Needless to say we are signed up next year! (Bryce won't admit it, but he secretly loves to run, and I love it!)

At 35 weeks I was measuring small so the doctor decided to do a size check (I didn't mind though.... I got to see him again!) After seeing this picture I was worried that he was going to have unproportional lips! But he was measuring great. I just am tall and didn't gain a ton of weight. As August ticked closer I was really getting sick of being pregnant. I was so ready to get back to working out and to meet our little guy. I kept going to the doctor and he would say... it could be anytime now. I got to the appointment three days before my due date and we finally started talking about inducing. We made another appointment for the next Wednesday to check up, and if he had not come yet we would then schedule to induce labor.

Of course the appointment came, and we didn't have the baby. So Bryce and I decided that we would go have a great weekend with my sister and her boyfriend. We hiked to the top of the wind-caves, and had an awesome fire with tinfoil dinners. They got to hang out in the hammock and I sat there very very pregnant. I will tell the birth story in another post!

Overall I was really lucky, the pregnancy was so easy. I was able to teach spin, run, lift, hike and basically do whatever I wanted. I wasn't ever sick really (except the food poisoning episode). And I gained the appropriate amount of weight. It couldn't have been an easier pregnancy. :)